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Image showing a large circular machine, part of the Large Hardon Collider experiments at CERN

Large Hadron Collider Tier-1

The GridPP Tier-1 provides large scale computing resources for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments as well as the wider particle physics community. It is one of the largest sites in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project, which is the collaboration of over 100 universities and research institutes providing computing to the LHC.  As Tier-1, we hold a custodial copy of a fraction of the raw data that CERN produces.


The GridPP Tier-1 provides a range of services such as:

  • Tape based archival storage for the entire HEP Community
  • Large scale disc storage with tightly integrated compute for data intensive processing
  • State of art networking with dedicated links to CERN and privilege access to other institutes
  • Expertise in data management and transfer software such as Rucio, FTS and XRootD
  • Data management and transfers
  • Global Software distribution service (CVMFS) 
  • Information providers and accounting
GridPP Tier-1 is located within the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.

GridPP - Distributed Computing for Data Intensive Research

GridPP manages the UK’s engagement in CERN’s Large Hadron Collider Computing Grid project, collaborating with physicists and computing scientists to support particle physics research and EGI initiatives.

The picture shows all of the UK institutes that are part of the GRIDPP Collaboration. For more information, please visit their website here.

GRIDPP diagram showing map of Great Britain with location points for various universities

Related Programmes, Projects or Facilities


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IRIS - A Community creating Digital Research Infrastructure to support STFC Science

For more information about the IRIS programme, please visit the IRIS website here.



For more information and all enquiries, please contact us.

Colour-enhanced image of computer racks in an aisle